Exit Ghost, English edition di Philip Roth edito da Vintage, London

Exit Ghost, English edition





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Descrizione Exit Ghost, English edition

06Der alternde Künstler Zuckermann kehrt nach New York zurück. Vieles hat sich verändert ...07The incomparable master Roth retutns with the final Zuckerman book.16Like Rip Van Winkle returning to his hometown to find that all has changed, Nathan Zuckerman comes back to New York, the city he left eleven years before. Alone on his New England mountain, Zuckerman has been nothing but a writer: no voices, no media, no terrorist threats, no women, no news, no tasks other than his work and the enduring of old age. Walking the streets like a revenant, he quickly makes three connections that explode his carefully protected solitude. One is with a young couple with whom, in a rash moment, he offers to swap homes. They will flee post-9/11 Manhattan for his country refuge, and he will return to city life. But from the time he meets them, Zuckerman also wants to swap his solitude for the erotic challenge of the young woman, Jaime, whose allure draws him back to all thathe thought he had left behind: intimacy, the vibrant play of heart and body.The second connection is with a figure from Zuckerman's youth, Amy Bellette, companion and muse to Zuckerma16n's first literary hero, E.I. Lonoff. The once irresistible Amy is now an old woman depleted by illness, guarding the memory of that grandly austere American writer who showed Nathan the solitary path to a writing vocation. The third connection is with Lonoff's would-be biographer, a young literary hound who will do and say nearly anything to get to Lonoff's "great secret". Suddenly involved, as he never wanted or intended to be involved again, with love, mourning, desire, and animosity, Zuckerman plays out an interior drama of vivid and poignant possibilities.Haunted by Roth's earlier works - the melancholy comedy of The Ghost Writer, the counterpoint of the imaginary and the real in The Counterlife, the distinctive dialogues of Deception - Exit Ghost is a reminder of Roth's incomparable style and themes and an amazing leap into yet anotherphase in this great writer's insatiable commitment to fiction.01Philip Roth wurde 1933 in Newark, New Jersey, geboren. Für sein Werk wurde er mit allen bedeutenden amerikanischen Literaturpreisen ausgezeichnet. Im Jahre 2001 erhielt er die höchste Auszeichnung der American Academy of Arts and Letters, die Goldmedaille für Belletristik, die alle sechs Jahre für das Gesamtwerk eines Autors verliehen wird. 2006 wurde Philiph Roth mit dem "Pen/Nabokov-Preis" ausgezeichnet, 2007 erhielt er den "Saul-Bellow-Preis" des Schriftsteller-Verbands, 2009 den "Welt"-Literaturpreis und 2011 wurde er mit dem "Man Booker International Prize" ausgezeichnet. Im Jahr 2012 wurde ihm der Prinz-von-Asturien-Preis in der Kategorie Literatur verliehen.

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€ 6.53

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