Perfect Love di Christiansen Svend Christiansen edito da Iuniverse

Perfect Love

A Tale Of Redemption In Hong Kong's Red-light District (wanchai Chronicles) Vol. Iii







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Descrizione Perfect Love

For some time, Hong Kong expatriates Karl and Kristian Haugaard were entangled with several young girls struggling to survive in the underbelly of Asia's sex industry. Unfortunately it is an evil business, protecting young girls from a bad life. Both Karl and Kristian had enemies who wanted nothing more than to see them gone. So when fate finally intervened, it was no surprise. Now that both Karl and Kristian have passed on, Karl's final journal pages, written in the last twenty-four hours of his life and kept secret by Kristian until now, have come to light, contributing a new subtlety as to the true cause of his death. As Karl grasps that the end is quickly approaching, he reveals a secret love and grand betrayal from his past that will foreshadow future events. Through his profound journal entries, Karl attempts to reinterpret events from long ago while reflecting on his youth in 1970s Paris, revolution-torn Phnom Penh, and the spirit world of Khmer myth and mysticism that will frame the final, most significant decision of his life and intertwine the past with the present in unexpected ways. Perfect Love continues the story of an American couple's fateful entanglement with a young girl struggling to endure in Hong Kong's red-light district.

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