Effects of Environmental Agreements on OPEC Exports of Oil di Fatma Hassan edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Effects of Environmental Agreements on OPEC Exports of Oil

Oil Exporting Countries Environmenta Agreements Future Senarios. Scintific facts on oil greenhous effects conclosion





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Key questions in the framework of the study: Study tries to answer the key question is: What is the impact of international conventions for the protection of the environment on the export of oil from OPEC, and the effectiveness of the policies of OPEC in the face of these challenges in order to achieve its objectives? Methodology of the study: Study is based on the (analytical approach prospective comparative), which is based on desk study of the evolution of the theoretical relationship between sustainable development and exhaustible resources and the environment, and then describe and analyze the structure of the oil market and the development and policies of OPEC, and then analyze the terms of international conventions for the protection of the environment with a focus on the Framework Convention on Climate Change of of the United Nations and its Kyoto Protocol on reducing use of oil, and is then rely on the prospective method, which is based on comparative analysis and compare the results of the most important scenarios that have been built in order to explore the effects of the impact of these international developments on the export of oil from OPEC.

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