Studying Compact Star Equation of States with General Relativistic Initial Data Approach di Enping Zhou edito da SPRINGER NATURE
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Studying Compact Star Equation of States with General Relativistic Initial Data Approach





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This book focuses on the equation of state (EoS) of compact stars, particularly the intriguing possibility of the ¿quark star model.¿ The EoS of compact stars is the subject of ongoing debates among astrophysicists and particle physicists, due to the non-perturbative property of strong interaction at low energy scales. The book investigates the tidal deformability and maximum mass of rotating quark stars and triaxially rotating quark stars, and compares them with those of neutron stars to reveal significant differences. Lastly, by combining the latest observations of GW170817, the book suggests potential ways to distinguish between the neutron star and quark star models.

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