Chronicles of a Liquid Society di Umberto Eco edito da MARINER BOOKS
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Chronicles of a Liquid Society

Dixon Richard




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Descrizione Chronicles of a Liquid Society

A posthumous collection of essays by internationally renowned essayist, literary critic, philosopher, and author of The Name of the Rose--"one of the most influential thinkers of our time" (Los Angeles Times) In his final collection of works, celebrated essayist and novelist Umberto Eco observes the changing world around him with irrepressible curiosity and profound wisdom. He sees with fresh eyes the upheaval in ideological values, the crises in politics, and the unbridled individualism that have become the backdrop of our lives--a "liquid" society in which it's not easy to find a polestar, though stars and starlets abound. In these pieces, written for his regular column in L'Espresso magazine, Eco brings his dazzling erudition and keen sense of the everyday to bear on topics such as popular culture and politics, being seen, conspiracies, the old and the young, new technologies, mass media, racism, and good manners. It is a final gift to his readers--astute, witty, and illuminating.

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