What Historical Novel Do I Read Next? edito da Gale Cengage

What Historical Novel Do I Read Next?


Gale Cengage





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Descrizione What Historical Novel Do I Read Next?

Readers with a dual interest in history and fiction have a wealth of novels to choose from but few resources to help find them. This three volume set is a useful tool to explore a library's holdings of historical novels. For the first time, readers can track down historical fiction by author, subject, fictional and historical characters, time period and locale. In the first two volumes, over 7,000 novels by more than 3,000 authors, written from the inception of the historical novel until early 1997, are included. The third volume contains more than 1,700 historical novels published from late 1997 until 2003.Most author entries contain the writer's name, birth and death dates, and a brief biography that gives the user an overview of the author's notable achievements. For each of the featured historical novels written by these authors, the following information is typically provided: < ul>< li> Title of the novel < li> Original publication date < li> Subject of the novel < li> Names and brief descriptions of major fictional and historical characters < li> Locale < li> Time period < li> Brief plot summary < li> Historical accuracy evaluation < /ul>< P>In the third volume, additional information is given for most of the novels: < ul>< li> Publications in which the novel is reviewed< li> A list of other novels by the author< li> A list of similar novels the reader might like< /ul>< P>Eight indexes have been included to provide readers with a variety of search paths to approach historical fiction, making it easy to follow interests by time, place, subject, fictional and historical character names, character description, author or title.

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