Concepts of Advanced Zero Waste Tools: Volume 1 of Advanced Zero Waste Tools: Present and Emerging Waste Management Practices edito da ELSEVIER
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Concepts of Advanced Zero Waste Tools: Volume 1 of Advanced Zero Waste Tools: Present and Emerging Waste Management Practices

Present And Emerging Waste Management Practices







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Descrizione Concepts of Advanced Zero Waste Tools: Volume 1 of Advanced Zero Waste Tools: Present and Emerging Waste Management Practices

Advanced Zero Waste Tools: Present and Emerging Waste Management Practices, Volume One in the Concepts of Advanced Zero Waste Tools series addresses the fundamental principles of zero waste that encourages the redesign of resource lifecycles so that products are reused. By promoting reuse and recycling, as well as prevention and product designs that consider the entire product lifecycle, the zero waste philosophy advocates for sustainability and environmental management and protection. This book takes the first step toward addressing the tools needed to implement zero waste, both on a practical and conceptual scale.

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