Twin Consequences of That Night di Pippa Roscoe edito da HARLEQUIN SALES CORP
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Twin Consequences of That Night





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Descrizione Twin Consequences of That Night

Their one hot night in Spain will bind them together forever! Find out what happens in this passionate romance by Pippa Roscoe. Two surprises… lead to one shock proposal! When billionaire Nate Harcourt jets to Spain on business, he runs straight into his electrifying one-night stand from two years ago. Except Gabi Casas now has twins-his heirs! His childhood as an orphan taught Nate to trust nobody, but he wants better for his children…so he drops to one knee! Fiercely independent, Gabi accepts on one condition: he must never lie to her. Her fickle father and manipulative mother scarred her enough. Alone again, their blistering attraction explodes! Only Gabi will need more than chemistry to take Nate at his word… From Harlequin Presents: Escape to exotic locations where passion knows no bounds.

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