A New Direction di Melissa Owlett edito da Xulon Press
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A New Direction


Xulon Press





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Descrizione A New Direction

Our relationship with Jesus Christ, is the most important relationship in this life we will ever have! As an event promoter, Melissa Owlett developed this tool to aid you as you grow your relationship with God through this amazing journal. This journal is designed to go hand in hand with your Bible as you daily/weekly track the aspects of your Christian walk that you want to improve. Such as Bible reading, prayers, serving, loving your spouse, and all the aspects of living your life to honor God. Tracking these events that are important to you as you walk with God will grow you in a powerful way. Don't listen to the enemies lie that you are a pharisee using this tracking tool to help you improve your relationship with God! We all know the truth that anything we track we can improve, spending habits, eating habits, and now our walk with God!! At the end of the year after faithfully using this journal you will be able to see how God has grown you, shown himself to you, answered prayers, trials you have survived, lessons you have learned and so much more! Melissa Owlett is the Founder and CEO of New Creation Events, organizing Christian music concerts, conferences and events that share the gospel of Jesus Christ. Accomplished homeschool mom of 16 years. Melissa and her loving husband Jack live in the beautiful mountains of Pennsylvania.

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