Teen Machine di Ishita Agarwal edito da RUPA PUBL ICAT IONS INDIA
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Teen Machine





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Descrizione Teen Machine

Why did everything seem so demanding, all of a sudden? And why didit seem to be easy for everyone else? Those Shark people were actually laughingat the difficulty level of the test. Avani, a tenth-grade student,has been living in a bubble-she gets top grades at school, loves to read andspends way too much time on her laptop, despite her mother's disapprovingglares. Her life seems perfect-until she is faced with the consequences of alife-altering decision: she decides to prepare for one of the most competitiveentrance exams in the world.Thrustinto the cut-throat world of IIT JEE coaching in eleventh grade, she isdetermined to disprove her mother's doubts about her abilities, live up to herfather's expectations of being a 'smart kid' and be on a par with her peers oreven better. Will Avani be able to balanceexam stress, her interests, new and old friendships, crushes, her parents'expectations and still be the 'best'?

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