Spoken English di Ravinder Kumar edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Spoken English

For Indian Students





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Descrizione Spoken English

Often people say that a person who can write good English would also be ¿fluent¿ when it comes to speaking it. Frankly speaking, it¿s not so People mistake ¿writing¿ for ¿speaking¿ and vice versa. The world of spoken English is far different from that of written one; It¿s also true in case of other languages.ENGLISH FOR FOR INDIAN STUDENTS is a modest attempt to help guide You speaking functional English as a tool of communication required on various occasions and situations, and that I presume is what you would be ¿aiming at¿.If you wish to draw maximum benefit out of this book, read it at your own pace and practise what you read and imagine situations/ conditions where you would be required to communicate what you have learnt. VERY CLEARLY this book is not at all for ¿READERS ONLY¿ but for ¿DOERS¿. You are not going to learn a LANGUAGE here, you are going to acquire the ¿SKILL OF SPEAKING ENGLISH¿.

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