The Story of a Seagull and the Cat Who Taught Her to Fly di Luis Sepúlveda edito da Alma Books Ltd.
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The Story of a Seagull and the Cat Who Taught Her to Fly

Kitamura Satoshi
Sheban, Chris




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Descrizione The Story of a Seagull and the Cat Who Taught Her to Fly

Caught up in an oil spill, a dying seagull scrambles ashore to lay her final egg and lands on a balcony, where she meets Zorba, a big black cat from the port of Hamburg. The cat promises the seagull to look after the egg, not to eat the chick once it's hatched and - most difficult of all - to teach the baby gull to fly. Will Zorba and his feline friends honour the promise and give Lucky, the adopted little seagull, the strength to discover her true nature? A moving, uplifting and life-enhancing story with a strong environmental theme, Luis Sepúlveda's instant children's classic has been a worldwide best-seller and is presented here with new drawings by acclaimed illustrator Satoshi Kitamura.

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€ 8.90
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