Storie e linguaggi edito da edizioni

Storie e linguaggi

Anno 2016 - Fascicolo 1
Data di Pubblicazione:
26 luglio 2016


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Santi, cavalieri e sciamani. Viaggiare a cavallo verso l’altro mondo
di Franco Cardini

Comparing the legendary figures of Orpheus, Lancelot, Saint Galgano, the essay analyzes the theme of the knight on the way to the Other World, common to diverse cultural areas, and offers a fresh look at the complex problem of its historical roots.

Un altro errore d’autore nel Decameron («rossa divenuta come rabbia», viii 7 120)?
di Amedeo Quondam

The paper discusses a surprising variant reading of Decameron VIII 7 («rossa divenuta come rabbia») and, on the basis of a huge amount of data, proposes a very parsimonious conjecture.

Un’impossibile indipendenza femminile: la convivenza delle terziarie francescane a Ferrara nel Cinqu
di Andrea Faoro

The present paper traces the story of a community of Franciscan tertiaries, who flourished in Ferrara among the early fifteenth century and the Catholic reformation

Una nuova datazione per i Cinque canti
di Ida Campeggiani

The paper deals with the debated issue of the date of composition of Ariosto’s Cinque canti, by pointing out some weaknesses in the current interpretations of Ariosto’s historical allusions and highlighting the need to make a new linguistic examination of the text.

Per una storia della terminologia linguistica italiana (ed europea). Schede su atticismo, fiorentini
di Paolo Trovato

The present survey collects in chronological order early Italian occurrences of the linguistic terms “toscanismo”, “atticismo” etc. and of their French, English and Spanish equivalents

L’Italia letteraria attraverso le Edizioni Nazionali. 2. Sul rapporto tra imprese editoriali e canon
di Roberta Colbertaldo

This essay is a sequel of the comprehensive overview on the institutional function of the italian Edizioni Nazionali published in the previous issue of Storie e linguaggi. It aims to analyse the development of these editorial projects in relation to the historic theories about literary canon and to the different methods adopted by publishers, editors, and scholars.

Tra le carte di Franca Brambilla Ageno: l’edizione delle Opere di Franco Sacchetti
di Paolo Pellegrini

A great amount of unpublished documents once belonging to Franca Brambilla Ageno’s personal archive and now preserved at the Università Cattolica di Brescia and at the Accademia della Crusca show her way of working on the main authors of the early Italian literature. Inter alia they disclose that her project to publish the entire works of Franco Sacchetti had been brought to an end.

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