Stabilizing Currency And Preserving Economic Sovereignty Using The Grondona System di Patrick Collins edito da IGI Global
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Stabilizing Currency And Preserving Economic Sovereignty Using The Grondona System


IGI Global





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Descrizione Stabilizing Currency And Preserving Economic Sovereignty Using The Grondona System

The monetary instability experienced in recent years imposes enormous costs worldwide and has led to calls for a reset of the international monetary system. To avoid the problem arising again, the value of money must once again be defined in terms of some real commodity or commodities, as it has been for most of history. However, making currencies convertible into gold once again would be no panacea. A better alternative, first proposed in the 19th century and advocated in the 20th century, is for money to be made convertible into a range of commodities other than gold. Stabilizing Currency and Preserving Economic Sovereignty Using the Grondona System discusses how a sustainable basis for sovereign national money systems can be simply achieved by implementing the "Grondona System," whereby the value of currency is stabilized by making it conditionally convertible into a range of primary commodities. Covering a range of topics such as economic growth, fiat money, and digital currencies, this book is ideal for policymakers, economists, investors, academicians, researchers, instructors, and students.

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