Finding Hope di Hope Addison edito da AuthorHouse
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Finding Hope

A Journey though the Mirror







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Descrizione Finding Hope

Hope appears to be a typical young Christian woman at a Christian college, but behind the door of her dorm lies a secret life of past abuse, depression, eating disorders and self-mutilation. When her secrets become known, the past and present collide, and Hope finds her life spiraling out of control. Disowned and homeless, Hope realizes that, while she's known about God her entire life, she has never really understood unconditional love. Determined, and with a new-found faith, Hope returns home, attempting to reconcile with her family, and embarks on a journey of learning to find hope through life's roughest storms. Can Hope find acceptance and love? Can she sort through the lies she's learned, and find the truth of who she is, and who God is? Will the scars of past hurts ever fade, and allow her to have peace? From the mirror in her college dorm, to the mirror in her home today, follow Hope's journey of self-discovery, as she realizes her own strength, and allows her heart to heal.

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