Sense and Sensibility di Jane Austen edito da Ingram Publisher Services
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Sense and Sensibility





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Descrizione Sense and Sensibility

Foreword by Julie Klassen, bestselling author of The Apothecary's Daughter The Classic Tale of Secret Engagements, First Loves, and Two Sisters, Opposites in Every Way are about to read not only one of the classic works of English literature, but a novel filled with love, humor, and heart. This edition of Sense and Sensibility exists to make your reading experience all the more pleasurable--offering interesting trivia, uniquely humorous insight, and meaningful inspiration. Prudent Elinor Dashwood and her passionate sister, Marianne, will come vividly to life. Their search for love, their heartbroken anguish, their wit, and their unceasing loyalty to each other--all of it will remind you why they are two of Austen's most beloved characters. Whether you're new to Barton Cottage or have visited often, one thing is assured: This read will delight your heart and stir your spirit. Includes "Conversation Questions" Perfect for Book Discussion Groups!

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€ 15.26
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