The Red Pony: Grades 7-8 [With Transparencies] di Nat Reed, John Steinbeck edito da Classroom Complete Press

The Red Pony: Grades 7-8 [With Transparencies]





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Descrizione The Red Pony: Grades 7-8 [With Transparencies]

A Literature Kit. Steinbeck recalls four loosely connected episodes from his own childhood, weaving them together into an unforgettable classic. Growing up on a remote ranch in California, ten-year-old Jody Tiflins life is forever changed when his father gives him a beautiful red pony. With the help of his fathers hired hand, Billy Buck, Jody commits himself whole-heartedly to the raising of this wonderful colt. When the colt grows ill and dies, Jodys world is shattered, as is his faith in Billy Buck, who had assured the boy that the pony would recover. Jodys father promises him a colt which will soon be born to their mare that dies at the birth. The stories weave together in effortless fashion, chronicling the coming of age story of young Jody Tiflin

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