Rauf Fico edito da Betascript Publishing

Rauf Fico





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Descrizione Rauf Fico

Please note that the content of this book primarily consists of articles available from Wikipedia or other free sources online. Rauf Fico (March 13, 1881-1944) was an Albanian politician from Gjirokast r. In 1912 he joined Vlora's government as Councillor in the Ministry of the Interior. In 1916, during the Austrian occupation, he was sub-prefect of Tirana. In the late 1920s he served as an ambassador to Turkey and Bulgaria and in April 1929 was appointed Foreign Minister of Albania. However, due to his opposition to the Italians he was removed from this post in November 1930 and returned to being an ambassador, to Yugoslavia (1933-36), Greece (1937) and Germany (1938-9).He died in Tirana in 1944.

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