Pride and Prejudice (Illustrated) di Jane Austen edito da Top Five Books, LLC
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Pride and Prejudice (Illustrated)

With Illustrations by Charles E. Brock

Brock, Charles E




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Descrizione Pride and Prejudice (Illustrated)

"It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife." With every one of Jane Austen's novels still in print more than two hundred years after their initial publication, Pride and Prejudice remains her most beloved and enduring work. Elizabeth Bennet, the second oldest of five daughters, would already be married if her mother had anything to say about it. At twenty-one, she is headstrong, clever, kind, and most of all, unwilling to settle for a loveless match. When she meets the proud Mr. Darcy, they immediately misjudge one another, but soon challenge and ultimately change each other in a story with as much comedy and satire as drama and romance. Featuring 40 illustrations by renowned Austen illustrator Charles E. Brock, this Top Five Classics edition includes the unabridged text, an informative introduction, and a detailed author biography.

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