The Parents: How far would you go to save your world? di Olga Sheean edito da LIGHTNING SOURCE INC
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The Parents: How far would you go to save your world?

How Far Would You Go To Save Your World?





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Descrizione The Parents: How far would you go to save your world?

One night, without warning, two quantum physicists commit suicide, leaving behind three young-adult children. No note, no explanation and zero inheritance. Why did they kill themselves? Bizarre electromagnetic frequencies hit key cities around the globe, causing chaos, suicides, emotional collapse, government scandals and media mayhem. Who is behind the attacks? World leaders are forced to confront the truth about their actions, revealing cover-ups and deadly deceptions; the entire world order crumbles, turning everything upside down. What is going on? The answers lie in an impenetrable past and an unfathomable future. Get ready to rock your world, with a mind-bending, life-altering reality you won't want to leave, and a plot that keeps you guessing till the very end. ¿"A wish-it-were-true revolutionary sci-fi thriller that would make Nikola Tesla smile and send the rest of us on a transformational journey back to a world worth living in!"-Roger Herried, clean-energy expert, co-founder of the US Green Party

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