Men Cry Too di Wayne L Misner edito da iUniverse
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Men Cry Too

Poems & Prose







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Descrizione Men Cry Too

Depressed, with his emotions holding onto a tornado, Misner wrote about love, divorce, and heartache. The poems and prose were written as he was trying to handle what life had dealt him. Written from his heart, he feels it would be valuable to share his experience with others. The poems help make sense of how people hold onto the thrills and memories of love, as they lose their loved ones. Love is possible another day. Scars will heal; hurt will dissipate, but love stays forever in the fibers of your body, the pages of your memory, and the senses of your being. Misner said, "When I started to write, I had no subject in mind. I had all these different emotions running though me at the same time; most of them bouncing off each other. I found if I wrote down what I was thinking, in time I felt better. I don't know why writing about pain and heartache helps you grow, but you can learn from pain. As I wrote, I got stronger and saw where mistakes were made. Maybe the next time there will be no mistakes." Read his writings and you may avoid riding the tornado!

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