Predictors to Evaluate Dropouts di Mary Stewart-Roary-Cook edito da VDM Verlag
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Predictors to Evaluate Dropouts


VDM Verlag





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Descrizione Predictors to Evaluate Dropouts

Why do dropouts happen in minority community-based participatory research studies? And perhaps in healthcare? The purpose of this monogram is to explore the aforementioned questions in greater detail. High attrition rates from community participatory research studies need to be explored more by non-traditional methods and participant profiles need to be developed to prevent high attrition rates. It is important to examine both compliance and dropouts in this context because both diabetes and cardiovascular disease are emerging as a major focus of public health efforts in the United States and abroad. These diseases are accelerating due to the current trends in obesity, which is a preventable, modifiable risk factor for diabetes and cardiovascular disease. We explore these concepts in a Southwest Hispanic-border community in the small town of Douglas, Arizona. This monogram should assist those who are compassionate about pursuing solutions to decreasing dropouts in community-based research (and healthcare) targeting under-served minority populations and should be especially insightful for those in the fields of public health, medicine, nursing, government, and policy.

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