Marco and I Want to Play Ball/Marco y Yo Queremos Jugar Al Béisbol: A True Story Promoting Inclusion and Self-Determinat di Jo Meserve Mach, Vera Lynne Stroup-Rentier edito da LIGHTNING SOURCE INC
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Marco and I Want to Play Ball/Marco y Yo Queremos Jugar Al Béisbol: A True Story Promoting Inclusion and Self-Determinat

A True Story Promoting Inclusion And Self-Determination/Una Histoia Real Que Promueve La Inclusi�n Y La Autodeterminaci�n





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Descrizione Marco and I Want to Play Ball/Marco y Yo Queremos Jugar Al Béisbol: A True Story Promoting Inclusion and Self-Determinat

Isiah and Marco share their love of baseball. Who's going to hit the ball farther? Who's going to hit the ball higher? Whose ball will hit the barn? Cousins like to tease and play when Grandpa is pitching. By sharing his story, we celebrate Isiah's many strengths and abilities. Isiah was born with Spina Bifida and he wears leg braces. Bilingual English/Spanish. "Great book about inclusion and two individuals that love baseball as much as they love each other. Isiah's family finds ways to include Isiah and for the boys to compete on an even level as well as share their love of baseball. The pictures are absolutely beautiful."-Verified Amazon Purchaser

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