Magic and the Power of the Goddess: Initiation, Worship, and Ritual in the Western Mystery Tradition di Gareth Knight edito da DESTINY BOOKS
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Magic and the Power of the Goddess: Initiation, Worship, and Ritual in the Western Mystery Tradition

Initiation, Worship, And Ritual In The Western Mystery Tradition





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Descrizione Magic and the Power of the Goddess: Initiation, Worship, and Ritual in the Western Mystery Tradition

OCCULT / MAGICIn this wide-ranging view of magic and ritual, Gareth Knight demonstrates the presence of the Goddess throughout Western esoteric traditions. From Greek myths and the Mysteries of Isis to the emergence of the cult of the Blessed Virgin and seventeenth-century Rosicrucian spiritual alchemy, he shows how the Goddess--the elemental consciousness of Earth--has revealed herself in different times and places.Honoring her many guises, Knight explores the powers of the Goddess as maiden, mother, initiator, protector, sorceress, and faery queen. Guided meditations on each of these qualities lead the practitioner into direct contact with the potent healing energy of the Divine Feminine. The author also offers rituals, exercises, and other practical tools for integrating the Western magical tradition with worship of the Goddess. He shows how we, and our planet, have suffered due to the repression of the feminine principle. For our own health, and that of our environment as well, we must recognize the power of the Goddess within to reconstitute and guide our existence.GARETH KNIGHT has spent a lifetime unearthing and teaching the principles of magic as a spiritual discipline and method of self-realization. He was trained in the esoteric school founded by Dion Fortune and has been actively involved in the Western magical tradition since the early 1960s. He is the author of thirty books, including Tarot and Magic and A Practical Guide to Qabalistic Symbolism. He lives in England.

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