Meaning of Life di Asr Prasad edito da Partridge India
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Meaning of Life

For a Common Man





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Descrizione Meaning of Life

With the approach of twenty-first century, the world started undergoing enormous change, a process of great upheaval and great possibility. With the onset of these drastic changes, nowadays, there is a lot of turbulence in the minds of common man, oscillating between the results or the means, right or wrong, survival of the fittest, or idealistic strength and values, one direction or many directions, knowledge of the Epics or practical worldly actions, etc. How to merge the Purushardh (peak of actions) and paramardh (The Truth) and gain from both in the long run and make it the cherished goal of life? The various paths being prescribed by different gurus to complement each other for the enrichment of common human development within the parameters of peace, patience, smiling, loving, serving, etc. to pave the path of the individuals to their respective destinies and also to test for oneself, how the nature supports to attain the meaning of life, in the path chosen. Meaning of Life for Common Man is an attempt to mix the beliefs and to extract maximum from the various developmental processes so that life can be sailed through to find the meaning of life by one's own self.

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