Life Is Movement Or The Physical Reconstruction And Regeneration Of The People di Eugen Sandow, Arthur Conan Doyle edito da Kessinger Publishing Co
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Life Is Movement Or The Physical Reconstruction And Regeneration Of The People





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This book describes the only natural, radical and permanent method of curing, preventing and eliminating disease and is dedicated by the author to the medical profession throughout the world. Sandow devoted assiduous study to the subject of the influence of scientific physical movement upon the wonderful cellular life of the body, and especially to the influence of physical movement, scientifically applied and carried out, upon the conscious evolution of new and better cells. This volume is the outcome of these studies, and its chief object is to show how such physical movement can reconstruct tissue that is diseased, replacing it with new and healthy tissue, and how, by applying it from childhood, we may prevent and even eradicate disease altogether. Illustrated.

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