Homer's Son di Jack Watson edito da iUniverse
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Homer's Son

An Unusual Life







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Descrizione Homer's Son

Author Jack Watson narrates the story of his life's journey, from his meager beginnings in his granny's four-room shack in Oregon to his career as a successful entrepreneur. In his memoir, Homer's Son, he tells the tale of a boy who overcame a host of adversities to become prosperous and live to old age. Watson remembers growing up during the tough times of the Great Depression, living with his brother in a children's home, being raised by his Baptist grandmother, attending Oregon State College, excelling at boxing, starting a family, and working in the manufacturing business for forty-six years. Against the backdrop of being abandoned by his father, Watson tells how he persevered to achieve his dreams. He shares a story not only of success, but also of indiscretions, alcohol, separation, betrayal, loss, and sorrow-a life that was shaped early on by a wandering and absent father and a conflicted mother. He acted without conscience, inflicting hurt and sorrow on the people he loved, and who loved him. Even so, his second wife and love of his life, Martina, brought tranquility and redemption into his life; his transgressions became a distant, sad memory. Homer's Son communicates how Watson's professional ambition, hard work, and selfish self-gratification drove his life as an adult-and also demonstrates the inspirational power of perseverance and of pursuing your dreams, regardless of your circumstances.

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