Out from the Heart di James Allen edito da Books on Demand
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Out from the Heart





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Descrizione Out from the Heart

The secret of becoming a better person Sooner or later in life you ask yourself: Do I have to be what I am for the rest of my life? Or is there a way to become a better person? The answers are 'no' to the first and 'yes, absolutely' to the second one! What's more, striving to become a better person, is about the noblest thing you can do. Not only do you improve your own life, but the lives of others and thus the world at large, as well. Many readers consider 'Out from the Heart' as the sequel of James Allen's most famous book 'As a Man Thinketh'. It provides a more practical approach to his philosophy; it's the how-to version. James Allen accompanies you step by step on your way to become a master of your thoughts and thus your life and your experiences. If you read 'As a Man Thinketh' and considered it useful, you will find this follow-up book at least as enlightening. Your thoughts govern your life - learn how to control them now!

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