Global Trends in Space Militarization: Its Implications on South Asia di Ahmad Khan edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Global Trends in Space Militarization: Its Implications on South Asia

Its Implications On South Asia





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Ahmad Khan¿s study explores an extremely important and topical subject of weaponization of Outer Space which has potentially devastating consequences for peace and stability in the international order. He traces the historical origin of the competition between two former Cold War Competitors: the United States and the Soviet Union. He highlights the dangers associated with the militarization of space for international peace. Regretfully, PAROS Treaty which is on the agenda of CD in Geneva as one of the primary concerns of the international community is not making satisfactory progress. His work emphasizes that the strategic importance of the Outer Space¿the common human heritage¿is enormous for the all states with regards to its commercial utilization and many other peaceful uses but, unfortunately the major powers emphasize on the military use of the outer space has really triggered another form of arms race in outer space despite the end of the Cold War. He concludes that the need of the hour for the international community is to assert its efforts to put embargo on the weaponization of the outer space. -Dr. Zafar Iqbal Cheema

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