Libro Ebook The soul quantum theory, or we are the Devil di Ricardo Tronconi di La Novella Orchidea
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Ebook The soul quantum theory, or we are the Devil

Alessia Bettini


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Professor Swollenman, the most erect man in the neighbourhood, has quite a
visible gift in his lap. A winning feature in theory, but as regards his marital life?
A succession of unexpected visits by a most peculiar character, arriving along with the Archangel Gabriel as Heaven's Ambassador no less, leads our Swollenman to don The First Man's garments, inviting him to relive the diabolical theory of origin once again, through dreams of erotic tales; however deceits and suspicions very slowly become parallel realities in his life.
Once again, La Novella Orchidea creates a journey whose phases supply no answers, but only persistent questions, where final judgement falls to the reader: the anguish of an impossible solution or the simple smile of who is able to attach equitable importance to the pleasures of life.

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