Academic Counselling in the Context of Education di Sunanda Arun More edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Academic Counselling in the Context of Education





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Descrizione Academic Counselling in the Context of Education

The contemporary education system evolved numerous technology enabled methods to impart education for all kind of human development. Academic counselling in education system remarkably contributes to quality of education and the success rate of the learner. Blended mode of learning is one of them to enrich skill-based learning experiences and develop competence in a particular trade and profession. Improvement in quality of learning is possible only when it is measured for different methods of counselling. This book discusses impact of counselling with Virtual Classroom Module (VCM) on the learning of the learners, quality of learning, understanding and achievement when content is delivered through VCM. Two methods of counselling is critically examined for its effectiveness, meaningfulness and cost effectiveness and overall performance in Open and Distance Learning system. This book also describes a new group learning strategy useful for the counsellor during counselling with the learners.

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