Ebook Studies on the Book of Psalms di John Forbes edito da Forgotten Books
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Ebook Studies on the Book of Psalms



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Descrizione Ebook Studies on the Book of Psalms

This Book is simply what it calls itself Studies on the Book of Psalms. It does not pretend to be an exhaustive treatise on the Psalter, but only to follow out a certain line of investigation which long ago seemed to the Author to offer a satisfactory solution of many difficulties in Hebrew Literature. Advancing study of the Sacred Writings has not tended to weaken his faith in the fruitfulness of this line of inquiry, but, on the contrary, fully to justify it.

The principles of Parallelism, as laid down by Bishops Lowth and Jebb, and followed out by the Author so far in his Symmetrical Structure of Scripture, are here applied more fully to the elucidation of some of the many problems that have perplexed the student of the Psalms. These principles do not need now any justification, since they have been acknowledged by all competent scholars. The applicability of them in particular instances, and for special purposes, may, however, call for proof, and such proof the Author has afforded in sufficient measure in these Studies. Not individual Psalms merely, but the Psalter as a whole, is shown to have been arranged by the final editor, under the guiding hand of God, with great minuteness and delicacy of finish, and with one grand purpose dominating all.

The point which these Studies are meant to establish is not affected by the hypothesis of many editors or of only one.

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