Bent Poles, Happy Souls di Friedemann Tom Friedemann edito da Archway Publishing
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Bent Poles, Happy Souls

Fishing Stories Gleaned From Sixty Years Of Journaling





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Descrizione Bent Poles, Happy Souls

The author logged his first fish in 1957 when he was just 9 years old and has since been journaling his fishing trips throughout his entire life. Six decades of documenting the accounts of each trip has resulted in numerous sweet stories that naturally come from spending time on the water with family members and good friends in some of the most beautiful places on earth. In addition to these heart-warming stories, the reader will be exposed to a wealth of fishing knowledge and homespun philosophy sprinkled in with some humorous accounts of his interactions with other fishermen and dealing with some unexpected situations that he's experienced during his sixty plus years of pursuing those mysterious marine creatures that occupy the other seventy-one percent of our planet.

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