Chasing Happy di Brannie Jackson edito da Austin Macauley Publishers
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Chasing Happy





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Descrizione Chasing Happy

Have you ever looked around yourself and thought that there's just got to be more to life than this? I did. Have you ever wondered why, despite giving your best efforts at life in all its departments, it still always feels like there's something missing? I did. Ever thought that 'completely happy' is really an illusory state of being that only exists and belongs in fairy tales? I did, and so did most of the other people I knew. Well, I'm here to tell you now that if that's true, you can call me Cinderella!......And we all know what happened to Cinderella, don't we? She found Happy! You can too! 'Truly and completely Happy' is not only possible but also much closer than you may think, and if you haven't experienced it yet, it's simply because, so far, you haven't looked in the right places. Brannie takes an informed and humorous approach in looking at how you too, can go about finding 'Happy', that bright, shiny place on your horizon; not too far away, but always somehow just out of reach for today...! Until now! Chasing Happy is written in a practical, easy and friendly style that will have you smiling as it inspires you to dare to make your own dreams come true.

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