The Cry Of Another Mother di Felicia Noble edito da WestBow Press
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The Cry Of Another Mother

You're Not Alone





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Descrizione The Cry Of Another Mother

> This is a must read, the author is not just telling her story as though she's engaged with the reader. She reaches out to her audience embracing and reassuring them that they are not alone. In life's sometimes painful storm, she is here also. There are some of us that have been unknowingly challenged with: teenage pregnancy, broken relationships, physical and mental abuse. Many are all too familiar with the trials and tribulations. Feeling overwhelmed and perhaps unprepared because we have not learned the power of prayer. The writer shares her heart-filled story with her audience so that they can be strengthened at time when they think, they are weak. This novel was written and inspired by the remembrance of her first born child Damond "aka" Mr. Face Harris.

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