An Assessment of Factors Influencing Empowerment Level of Females di Arjun Thapa, Leena Gurung edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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An Assessment of Factors Influencing Empowerment Level of Females





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Descrizione An Assessment of Factors Influencing Empowerment Level of Females

After the advent of Human Development concept by UNDP, women empowerment has got lot of attention along with other holistic development concepts. Empowerment Simply means gaining control over one's lives which women of developing countries are deprived of. This index was calculated by combining achievement indexes of social, economic and political aspects of females of Pokhara Nepal. Women were categorized as per their empowerment levels and were analyzed for their cause of being lowly empowered and highly empowered. Rather than demographic traits like age, age at marriage, economic aspects like income, economic status were likely to contribute to empowerment. Still qualification, work experience and attitude towards work kept women on high self esteem and were likely to be empowered. Surprisingly husband's attributes did not have any effect on empowerment level of females. The policies should be more focused on economic intervention in order to empower women.

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