Representing The Troubles In Irish Short Fiction di Michael L. Storey edito da The Catholic University Of America Press
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Representing The Troubles In Irish Short Fiction





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Representing the Troubles in Irish Short Fiction offers a comprehensive examination of Irish short stories written over the last eighty years that have treated the Troubles, Ireland's intractable conflict that arose out of its relationship to England. Read chronologically, the stories provide insightful perspectives on the Troubles, from the 1916 Easter Rising to the recent sectarian violence in Northern Ireland. Nearly every Irish short-story writer during this period has written on the subject, from Corkery, O'Connor, O'Faolain, and O'Flaherty to Lavin, Kiely, Trevor, MacLaverty, Devlin, Morrow, and McCann, among others. The book examines their stories and places them in their proper historical and political contexts. In doing so, it demonstrates how Irish writers have embraced a variety of literary modes and techniques in order to track the varied and changing attitudes of the Irish toward every aspect of the Troubles, including revolution, violence, sectarianism, terrorism, and identity-thinking.

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