Zora Neale Hurston's Their Eyes Were Watching God di Cheryl A. Wall edito da Oxford University Press Inc
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Zora Neale Hurston's Their Eyes Were Watching God

A Casebook





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Collecting the most widely cited and influential essays published on Hurston's landmark novel over the last quarter century, this Casebook presents contesting viewpoints by Hazel Carby, Henry Louis Gates, Jr., Barbara Johnson, Carla Kaplan, Daphne Lamothe, Mary Helen Washington, and Sherley Anne Williams. The volume also includes a statement Hurston submitted to a reference book on twentieth-century authors in 1942. As it records the major debates the novel has sparked on issues of language and identity, feminism and racial politics, A Casebook charts new directions for future critics and affirms the classic status of Hurston's novel.

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