Yugoslavia - Dismantled And Plundered di Marko Hajdinjak edito da VDM Verlag
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Yugoslavia - Dismantled And Plundered

The Tragic Senselessness of the War in Yugoslavia and the Myths that Concealed It


VDM Verlag





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Descrizione Yugoslavia - Dismantled And Plundered

After 1991, numerous explanations of Yugoslavia's violent dissolution appeared. Most named nationalism as the driving force fueling the Yugoslav inferno. However, countless events from the 1991-1995 period offer alternative point of view. While acknowledging the complexity of Yugoslavia's demise, this book shows that nationalism was used above all as a cover under which a thorough criminalization of the post-Yugoslav states was hidden. To successfully dismantle and plunder Yugoslavia, the criminal partnership (political class, security sector and organized crime) exploited the social-economic collapse, the power of mass media and the fatal attraction of historic myths to reconstruct the national identities of the Yugoslav nations. This book should be of interest to all people with professional or personal interest in the former Yugoslavia and especially to those among them who still search for a rational explanation of Yugoslavia's irrational collapse.

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