A Yucky Dialog di Iva J. Brassfield edito da LIGHTNING SOURCE INC
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A Yucky Dialog





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Descrizione A Yucky Dialog

As a 14-year-old girl full of life, the author one day found herself standing at the threshold of a life altering event. Having experienced molestation at the hand of a hospital priest at the age of 8 and more violations from within the bloodline the author faced a pattern that would affect her ability to live life on a stable basis. Chasing normalcy became her obsession for years as she takes you on a journey of the twist and turns in her life after sexual violations. At 14-years-old a neighbor 20 years her senior introduced her to adult things through manipulation, rape and then sexual captivity throughout her freshmen year of high school. Life for the next 38 years would be challenged because of the sexual appetites that she held, until an encounter with a dynamic biblical counselor. Today the author thrives in a place of peace, joy and restoration after learning how to make peace with the past. Restoration is possible at any age when one is ready to lay down the victim status for victorious living. No past is to (yucky) distasteful to prevent restoration.

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