The Youth of Integrity di Hlelolwenkhosi Mamba edito da Westbow Press
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The Youth of Integrity

Young and Proud, Living an Intentional Life That Shouts God's Fame





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Descrizione The Youth of Integrity

The Youth of Integrity is an earnest and instructive spiritual guidebook that is designed to especially encourage the coming generation to develop and cultivate integrity in their daily Christian lives. Writing from the heart and offering biblical support, the author invites readers to find answers to their confusion from the eternal Word of God and to develop an intimate and personal relationship with Him, walking steadfast on God's path and not on the world's. The author shares some of her personal experiences as a young person. She also shares experiences she had with many young people while working as youth leader in her church, as president of the Student Christian Movement at the University of Swaziland (Kwaluseni Campus), and as general secretary of Scripture Union's National Associate Committee. She compiled all these stories into a handbook to help young people sail safely through the sometimes-overwhelming journey of life. The Youth of Integrity provides an eye-opening, practical process towards being the most envied young person of integrity in this infested generation. It provides simple yet practical ways through which you can be a pure young person in an impure world.

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