Yours Is the Night di Amanda Dykes edito da BETHANY HOUSE PUBL
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Yours Is the Night





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Descrizione Yours Is the Night

A mysterious song in the forest . . .A discovery in war-torn France . . .A journey toward hope. The trenches of the Great War are a shadowed place. Though Platoon Sergeant Matthew Petticrew arrived there with a past long marked by shadow, the realities of battle bring new wounds--carving within him a longing for light, and a resolve to fight for it. One night, Matthew and his comrades are enraptured by a sound so pure, a voice so ethereal, it offers reprieve--even if only for a moment. Soon, rumors sweep the trenches from others who have heard the lullaby too. "The Angel of Argonne," they call the voice: a mysterious presence who leaves behind wreaths on unmarked graves. Raised in the wild depths of the Forest of Argonne, Mireilles finds her reclusive world rocked when war crashes into her idyllic home, taking much from her. When Matthew and his two unlikely companions discover Mireilles, they must embark on a journey that will change each of them forever . . . and perhaps, at long last, spark light into the dark. On the 100th anniversary of the dedication of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier comes an emotive tale inspired by the courageous soldiers of World War I."In this propulsive tale, Dykes brings together soldiers and an ethereal presence in the woods of France during WWI. . . .Dykes embeds timeless themes of trust, courage, and sacrifice, and Mireilles's ethereal role provides a subtle element of faith. Readers who enjoy the work of Tracie Peterson will love this."--Publishers Weekly"Told through the lens of multiple characters, Dykes forces readers to deeply engage with the story. There are numerous unanticipated twists and turns embedded in shifting geographic locations and timeframes." --Historical Novel Society

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