Your Life in God di R. A. Torrey edito da WHITAKER HOUSE
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Your Life in God





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Descrizione Your Life in God

In this ultimate book on success, R. A. Torrey shares principles basic to growth and fulfillment in the Christian life. Whether you are establishing a firm spiritual foundation, resolving perplexing doubts, or seeking strength and courage, the author's counsel and sound teaching will lead you into a successful and fruitful walk with the Lord. You will discover ways to: -Share God's love with others openly-Choose friends and activities-Pray more effectively-Walk in the Spirit-Grow in abundant faithHere are the tools that will make your life flourish. Not only will your relationship with God be strengthened, but so will your interactions with other Christians.Even if you've been a Christian for years, these foundational principles can add fruit to even the most abundant harvest.

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