Your GPS for Less Stress di Kenneth Shuster edito da Balboa Press
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Your GPS for Less Stress

How Twelve Rules Can Take You Where You Want to Go


Balboa Press





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Descrizione Your GPS for Less Stress

Whether you are struggling in a bad relationship or an unfulfilling job or simply wish to relate to yourself and others in a deeper and more promising way, Your GPS for Less Stress can help you. In addition to offering insights and examples from the lives of some of the world's most successful individuals, Rabbi Kenneth Shuster has crafted twelve rules from the disciplines of psychology, religion, sociology, and philosophy, so you can experience the least amount of stress possible and achieve just about any goal you may have. Specifically, Rabbi Shuster will show you the importance of: ¿ Maximizing your potential ¿ Having compatible relationships ¿ Treating others with respect ¿ Saving and investing ¿ Budgeting money and managing time ¿ Surmounting your fears Regardless of your particular issue, you owe it to yourself to enjoy the best life has to offer! "Your GPS for Less Stress is an invaluable contribution to the self-help genre that will help you both beat stress and enjoy better interpersonal relationships." - Rabbi Irwin Katsof, author of How to Get Your Prayers Answered "Ken Shuster is a rabbi by training, but he is also a first-rate psychologist. Your GPS for Less Stress is packed full of universal wisdom and solid psychological information, that will make you happier, healthier, calmer and wiser!" - Israel Kalman, author of Bullies to Buddies: How to Turn Your Enemies into Friends

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