You want me to do what now?: 101 of the worst job titles around di Sarah Jackson edito da LIGHTNING SOURCE INC
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You want me to do what now?: 101 of the worst job titles around





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Descrizione You want me to do what now?: 101 of the worst job titles around

"You want me to do what now: 101 of the worst job titles around" is a humorous look at job searching and advertising. In any given month, in Australia alone, there is an average of 165,00 jobs advertised, and approximately 750,000 people recorded as being out of work - and this doesn't include job seekers who are looking for a change of employment. There are a great many people looking at a wide range of position titles. It's a big business. The book, set in a Listicle format, looks at ridiculous, pompous and downright misleading job titles. Job seekers, employers, advertisers and the general public, may find this an interesting read, as it is both true and bizarre.

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