You Have Everything You Need Inside You -  Have Faith and Take Action di Michael G A Brown edito da
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You Have Everything You Need Inside You - Have Faith and Take Action






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Descrizione You Have Everything You Need Inside You - Have Faith and Take Action

This Book talks about why you have everything you need already inside you. It looks at the conscious and the subconscious mind and how tapping into the vast power in the subconscious mind will help you. The book was prompted by the need to find the funds to pay for the life saving operation of an orphan whose Appendix had failed and I had to make a decision as a guardian to do the emergency operation. This was a tough decision however with faith and action everything can work out OK. I am now looking to raise the hospital bills through the profits from this book. I have found that taking clear action and unmoving faith allows things to work out in miraculous ways. This book is dedicated to Ann and her full recovery. You also have the power to achieve great things, as you already have greatness within. Value yourself and value your abilities. You are on the Earth for a Purpose. Do not live your life by chance, Live your life on purpose, Find your true purpose in life.

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