You Are Wrong . . . Until You Are Right! di Penelope Dyan edito da BELLISSIMA PUB
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You Are Wrong . . . Until You Are Right!

Dyan Penelope




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Descrizione You Are Wrong . . . Until You Are Right!

No one can be right all of the time. However, there is a huge difference from doing right and doing wrong, and from simply making a mistake and getting something wrong. And this is why you are sometimes wrong until you are right. Words are funny things. Words have different meanings at different times, depending on how you use them; and that also makes words interesting, even though sometimes words can be confusing. Written and illustrated by award winning author, attorney and former teacher, Penelope Dyan, this 'learn to read' book is filled with word recognition, word repetition and rhyme to help a kid build his or her reading word vocabulary as he or she improves his or her reading skills. And this book is also meant to get a kid thinking about the meaning of words, as a host of fun, familiar Penelope Dyan characters guides them through the pages of this book! When a kid is finished, he or she can go to Bellissimavideo's YouTube channel and watch the free, fun music video that goes with this book for even more learning fun!

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