The Yellowstone National Park Historical and Descriptive di Hiram Martin Chittenden edito da Kessinger Publishing
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The Yellowstone National Park Historical and Descriptive





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Descrizione The Yellowstone National Park Historical and Descriptive

1911. Illustrated with Maps, Views and Portraits. Chittenden, Captain, Corps of Engineers, United States Army, offers a historical view on the early history of the Park and an account of the Nez Perce campaign of 1877; and descriptions on topography, geology, thermal springs, fauna and flora, roadways and administration. From the Preface: It is extremely gratifying to note, as time goes on, that, in every important respect, the Yellowstone Park has so far fulfilled the expectations of its founders and justified the wisdom of its creation. As a land of wonders it still remains without an equal on the globe; as a source of great rivers, whose waters will be the lifeblood of a mighty future empire, its vast importance is beginning to be realized; as a refuge for the native fauna of the country, elsewhere fast passing away, it is all that can be reasonably expected.

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