Yank: Memoir of a World War II Soldier (1941-1945) from the Desert War of Africa to the Allied Invasion of Europe, from  di Ted Ellsworth edito da THUNDERS MOUTH PRESS
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Yank: Memoir of a World War II Soldier (1941-1945) from the Desert War of Africa to the Allied Invasion of Europe, from

Memoir of a World War II Soldier (1941-1945) from the Desert War of Africa to the Allied Invasion of Europe, from Germ





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Descrizione Yank: Memoir of a World War II Soldier (1941-1945) from the Desert War of Africa to the Allied Invasion of Europe, from

Ted Ellsworth was a young Dartmouth grad in 1941. In the years before the U.S. joined the Second World War effort, American men who wished to fight against Hitler were granted permission from President Roosevelt and the U.S. Congress to join the British army. In normal circumstance, fighting for another nation's army would be an automatic forfeiture of U.S. citizenship (as noted on U.S. passports). Yank begins with goodbyes to Ellworth's young wife and family. It covers his crossing to Britain, initial stay in London, assignment to a North African tank regiment and the campaign there, participation in the invasion of Italy and the second wave of D-Day, accounts of fierce battles, being taken prisoner by the Germans and shipped to a POW camp, the camp deprivations, liberation by the Russians, and finally, the year Ellsworth spent wandering eastern Europe with no dog-tags, after the war had ended, trying to reach a city from which he could ship back home. Ellsworth had been officially MIA for over two years, and everyone assumed he was dead. The final pages detail Ellsworth's homecoming when his wife hand-delivers the beautiful and intimate note that she'd written him when he was first reported missing.

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