Xiao J de Cong Ming Yao di Manqiu Lin edito da Xiao Lu Wen Hua/Tsai Fong Books

Xiao J de Cong Ming Yao





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Descrizione Xiao J de Cong Ming Yao

It takes Little J the whole evening to do his homework others takes half an hour. He also has trouble concentrate. His teachers think he's lazy; he has no friends at school; his self esteem is low and his parents are worried. Finally, Little J is diagnosed with ADHD and the doctor gives Little J the "smart pill." But will Little J become smart? The book is a very clear depiction of children who suffer from ADHD and helps readers recognize and understand ADHD sufferers. In Traditional Chinese. Distributed by Tsai Fong Books, Inc.

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€ 19.50

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